SUGIG – Srpsko udruženje za geometriju i grafiku
Prethodne konferencije
Serbian Association for Geometry and Graphics
Previous conferences
moNGeometrija 2010
2nd International Scientific Conference
June 21st – 24th 2012
moNGeometrija 2010 Book of abstracts
Conference Organizers
Main Organizers
Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Belgrade
Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade
Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade
Faculty of Applied Arts, Belgrade
Conference Committees
Executive Committee
Ph.D. Miodrag Nestorović, Full professor, Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade
Ph.D. Branislav Popkonstantinović, Associate professor, Faculty of
Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade
Ph.D. Biserka Marković, Full professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering and
Architecture, Niš
Ph.D. Aleksandar Čučaković, Associate professor, Faculty of Civil
Engineering, Belgrade
Ph.D. Radovan Štulić, Full professor, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad
Ph.D. Ljubica Velimirović, Full professor, Faculty of Science and
Mathematics, Niš
Supervisory Committee
Ph.D. Miodrag Stoimenov, Associate professor, Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering, Belgrade
M.Sc. Zorana Jeli, Lecturer Assistant, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Ph.D. Ratko Obradović, Associate professor, Faculty of Technical Sciences,
Novi Sad
Ph.D. Jelisava Kalezić, Associate professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering,
Podgorica, Montenegro
M.Sc. Marija Jevrić, Lecturer Assistant, Faculty of Civil Engineering,
Podgorica, Montenegro
Ph.D. Ljiljana Petruševski, Associate professor, Faculty of Architecture,
Ph.D. Dragan Petrović, Associate professor, Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering, Belgrade
Dr Mirjana Devetaković Radojević, Docent, Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade
M.Sc. Gordana Đukanović, Lecturer Assistant, Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade
Maja Petrović, architect, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering,
Organizational Committee
Ph.D. Vladimir Mako, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade
Ph.D. Đorđe Vuksanović, Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Belgrade
Ph.D. Milorad Milovančević, Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Ph.D. Milan Medarević, Dean of the Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade
Ph.D. Slobodan Gvozdenović, Dean of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic
Engineering, Belgrade
Ph.D. Vladimir Kostić, Dean of the Faculty of Applied Arts, Belgrade
Ph.D. Aleksandar Čučaković, Associate professor, Faculty of Civil
Engineering, Belgrade
Ph.D. Branislav Popkonstantinović, Associate professor, Faculty of
Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade
Ph.D. Marija Obradović, Docent, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Belgrade
M.Sc. Magdalena Dimitrijević, Lecturer assistant, Faculty of Civil Engineering,
M.Sc. Slobodan Mišić, Lecturer assistant, Faculty of Civil Engineering,
M.Sc. Biserka Nestorović, Lecturer assistant, Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade
M.Sc. Biljana Jović, Lecturer assistant, Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade
Scientific Review Committee
Professor Đorđe Zloković, Member of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts,
Department of Technical Sciences, Belgrade
Ph.D. Miodrag Nestorović, Full professor, Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade
Ph.D. Hellmuth Stachel, University of Technology Vienna, Austria
Ph.D. Gunter Weiss, Technical University of Dresden, Germany
Ph.D. Emil Molnar, Technical University of Budapest, Hungary
Ph.D. Aleksander Dvoretsky, Kiev National University of Building and
Architecture, Ukraine
Ph.D. Milena Stavrić, TU Graz, Institut für Architektur und Medien, Austria
Ph.D. Aleksandar Veg, Full professor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Ph.D. Aleksandar Čučaković, Associate professor, Faculty of Civil
Engineering, Belgrade
Ph.D. Natasa Danilova, Faculty of Civil engineering, Architecture and
Geodesy, Sofia, Bulgaria
Ph.D. Carmen Marza, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Ph.D. Sonja Gorjanc, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Zagreb, Croatia, Hrvatska
Ph.D. Marija Obradović, docent, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Belgrade
M.Sc. Branko Pavić, Full professor, Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade
Ph.D. Ivana Marcikić, Full professor, Faculty of Applied Arts, Belgrade
Ph.D. Hranislav Anđelković, Retired full professor, Faculty of Civil
Engineering and Architecture, Niš
Ph.D. Miroslav Marković, Retired full professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering
and Architecture, Niš
Ph.D. Lazar Dovniković, Retired full professor, Faculty of Technical Sciences,
Novi Sad
Theoretical geometry, exposed by synthetical or analytical methodology:
* Descriptive and constructive geometry
* Projective geometry
* Central projection, Perspective and Restitution
* Cartography
* Theory of Polyhedra
* Fractal geometry
Geometry and Graphics applied in Engineering and Architecture:
* Engineering graphics
* Computational geometry (algorithms, computer modeling of abstract
geometrical objects, structures, procedures and operations)
* Computer Aided Design and Drafting; Geometric and Solid Modeling;
Product Modeling; Image Synthesis; Pattern Recognition; Digital Image
Processing; Graphics Standards; Scientific and Technical Visualization
* Kinematics Geometry and Mechanisms
* Applications of Polyhedra theory
* Fractals
* Computational restitution
* Stereoscopy and Stereography
* Virtual reality
Geometry applied in Visual Arts and Design:
* Theory and application of Visual Aesthetics
* Geometrical and mathematical criteria of Aesthetic values
* Perception and meaning of colors
* Geometrical forms applied in Visual Arts
* Optical illusions and its applications
History of Geometry:
* Famous scientist and their contribution
* Origin, derivation and development of particular geometrical branches
* History of geometrical education
Education and didactics:
* Descriptive Geometry and Graphics Education, including the Reform of
* Education Technology Research
* Multimedia Educational Software Development
* Virtual Reality Educational Systems
* Educational Software Development Tools Research and so on

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